Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A trip to the Christmas Tree Farm

Daniel and I started a family tradition the 1st Christmas we were married to go cut down our own Christmas Tree. We had a place in Virginia that we LOVED and looked forward to this day each year. Were we going to be able to find something similar in Berlin? Yes! Thanks to a good German friend at church, we found a place just outside the city that is very similar, yet different, than Snickers Gap in Virginia. The big difference between the farms is that the majority of the trees here were SHORT?! No really, about 4 feet tall? 4 feet just isn't going to cut it for Daniel! Seriously, the man had to cut off 2 feet of tree a few years ago because it didn't fit in our house! So, it took awhile to find us the perfect tree!

Ready to find the Perfect Christmas Tree!

Ok, here it is!

Abby up under the tree helping Daddy saw it down

Daddy's Big Helpers!

When Daniel and the kids pulled up to the hut, a nice German lady said (in German of course!) "that is the biggest tree I've seen anyone cut down?"
Home, Warm and ready to Decorate!
Carter LOVED putting the ornaments on the tree! He liked hearing about where each ornament has come from, etc. We have been collecting ornaments from all over the globe to places we travel and over the past 8+ years we've quite a collection!

Daddy completed the tree with the Angel
Thanks to Granny and Popcorn's early Christmas gift, we even added a Grand Finale Train!

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